Can you eat too much mangosteen?

Excessive consumption of mangosteen causes several side effects. It can slow blood clotting, cause lactic acidosis (accumulation of lactate in the body), interfere with chemotherapy, and cause bloating, diarrhea, acid reflux, and constipation.

Can you eat too much mangosteen?

Excessive consumption of mangosteen causes several side effects. It can slow blood clotting, cause lactic acidosis (accumulation of lactate in the body), interfere with chemotherapy, and cause bloating, diarrhea, acid reflux, and constipation. You should always consult a qualified doctor for advice and you should also inform your doctor about ongoing treatments and conditions and ask for his advice on the consumption of mangosteen, due to its possible benefits. A special feature comes from the nutritional composition of mangosteen, since there are more than 40 types of antibodies against natural xanthones in the mangosteen shell.